Welcome. We are the collective consciousness, or the universal consciousness,or whatever you choose. There are many beings within this collective. For when we form a collective,we can create much higher vibrational patterns, and the patterns in the creations continue, they are not stable they are not stationery. A vibration that is stable is like holding a bell down. It just makes noise. The vibrations that are accepting of energy are growing and becoming more stronger, if you will, each moment by moment, as each being adds their energy to this vibration of love. So it reaches different heights and different levels. It allows you as a being to reach different levels. It allows you to understand yourself and it allows you to become one with the universal consciousness. This extremely significant, the universal consciousness. For it dictates what happens upon this planet. Your last season, if you will, was under the dominion of Michael. Michael and fire, and so the world generated changes and systems that were created around power and energy of fire. This season is over-lorded by Gabriel, whose dominion is emotion, is passion, is power with love. So, yes, there will be significant changes. You may not observe most of the changes in the human form.You will, however, become totally aware of the changes. For you are becoming a forerunner, or leading the way, so to speak. There are so many changes that you will be able to recognize upon your earth plane within the next three months. It is a significant time for the planet earth. We say to you, we are bringing you this so that you and others may share, and may open a doorway. For once a doorway is open one cannot forget. If you open your door and you look outside you’re not going to forget what you see. And so, if you open a door on the border of the universe, you will not forget. You have little impact upon the universe, however, if you open a door on your world, your reality, you will see where you can and do have impact. The impact that the universal mind, collective, however you choose, is aiming for at this time is the golden years that have been promised, prophesied, years of peace where humans will work with each other and for each other. And where humans will work with other beings, and for other beings. And where there will be full disclosure about many things that have been hidden and that have been kept a mystery to the normal human beings. Now, it is significant that you are here at this time and have actually chosen to be re birthed at this time. Not all beings upon the planet at this time are in tune with what is necessary. It only takes some leaders to lead all to one direction, and as each being reaches a higher vibration, so there are many shifts and changes that you will experience. We were discussing throughout the week why the essential elements for this time is the Vegas nerve and the pineal glands and other glands. It is because you see yourself as three dimensional. When you look in the mirror and see the physical body you don’t see the other energies. You have become used to thinking that these centres are contained within the physical. They are not. There are outside of the physical. Yes, there is a resonance of the vegas nerve that connects with the physical. But the highest value of the vegas nerve is outside the physical.
You are reaching into a different reality. You are becoming aware and conscious of a different space to inhabit.While you are working in a pure physical sense what you see is who you are.Now you are moving beyond that 3Dimage of the self, and moving into a holograph. If you look into a holograph you can see many layers. So,what is happening now, we are asking you to activate and balance different layers. As each layer is balanced and activated your electromagnetic body becomes into its own. Its been sitting on charge, if you will, for a long time, for many centuries. Its time for the recharge or the reboot, if you will. It is bringing the full value of the fifth dimensional body and yes, fifth dimension physical body, into reality. We expect some form of unbalance or imbalance now and then, but we have you know that all will be well. Yes, if you wish, you may view it as a transplant. We are transplanting energy. We are opening closed, we are giving you back yourself. So, if you view now that your physical will be viewed as a five dimension you will understand that you are working to go beyond the fifth dimension. You are working to fully activate all parts of your being. Not just your human being. You have become extremely comfortable with the physical, and somewhat comfortable with the spiritual. It is now time to become comfortable with the metabolic,with the electromagnetic, and many other directions and fields. It is literally time
Q B: Ask question a little of the subject but a question the channel would like to know. Scientists say for decades there is a mysterious source sending radio signals towards earth from space.Is there any correlation to the radio signals and Maggie, the channel, being woken by a sound in the night, warning her or letting her know that her class she is attending in another higher dimension is about to being. Is there any connection there?
connection there?
There is a connection and there isn’t a connection. The connection is there are many planets, if you will, who are seeking to communicate with earth, and so it is not the one sound they are hearing. It is many sounds. There is one planet in particular which is not yet visible within your solar system, who have been sending messages to the earth plane for a very long time. Although the sound that is connected with the teaching, or the learning, is very much a sound that is sent through the ether. It is a physical sound. It is a record-able sound. Your scientists really do not have a clue what is going on in the sound vibration world. There are beings in other places who are sending out signals, calls, for lost members of their community, of their family. Would be like you constantly ringing to see if somebody has been found.There are many beings who have landed upon this planet who are what we call a lost dimension. For they have been stripped of their nationality, if you will. Now, other beings upon their planet are calling to them.So some of these terms or calls are others reaching out for another being. Some of them are reaching out to see if there is life on earth. The balance that we reach out on a teaching level can be physically picked up. It is a solar generated vibration. You will find that within a very short time many beings are hearing this vibratory pattern, if you will. For we teach not only on this planet but on other planets, and in other systems.
.Q V: Question about whether there is life underground within the earth?There has always been stories foretold of the middle earth. We would like to allow the knowledge to go forward. It however is not yet time for this disclosure. However, there is a middle earth and there are other beings and other life forms. Many of these other beings seeded that which you know as crystals for the benefit of the future of mankind. There are many places of power upon this planet.Where in reality they are entrances to other worlds, physical worlds. Your governments have knowledge of this and they have knowledge of beings that travel from their world to your world.
Whether its an accident that they find their way to the surface of the earth, or they chose that. But your government has absolute proof and identity of these beings. When you think of that which you call big foot or the yeti or whatever these beings that you see are named, they are making quick visits if you will, between worlds. So, yes there is definitely an inner world, and as these continue to bring forth its mysteries, you will see this.
Q V: Have they good intentions towards us?
Better than you have towards them! They seek to heal. They live in a simple community space. They simply exist to heal.
Q V: Give any information about the whales and why they are beaching themselves in huge pods recently?
This is going to be a continued episode from time to time. The seismic activity that is taking place beneath, or within your planet is more than understood at the moment. For, when you look at your seismic plates you see that as the end. It is not a floor, it is a ceiling. And as these plates shift that which is beneath them rises. It is in the shifting of these seismic plates that all things will be revealed. That the middle world will come forward. The middle world has no concept of harming. The whales and the dolphins were gifted the people that were the whales and the dolphin connections, gifted the knowledge and the care of Lemuria and other worlds. The whales have chosen to make this sacrifice,if you wish. They knew there would be a time in history when this would happen. So that the opening and the expansion could begin. The seismic activity below the surface resonates with the activity from the sun and the planets around the earth. As you understand the moon pulls and the moon is water, but when you have water and fire pulling against each other, that is what you have at the moment. Your earth base is in the middle of being pulled between water and fire. The elements of them. And so your scientists will learn a great deal from these whales. Whether they actually choose to share it with the greater community is a different thing. For these whales are carriers of information. There are many things that will rise from the deep in these coming 12 years. And as things rise from the deep there will be a greater understanding, a greater understanding of how this planet was formed and a greater understanding of the beings that inhabit. Send every situation love. Love from the point of purity. When you go into the space, into pure space, send love from that point. It also a teaching of compassion. These creatures of the ocean who are literally sacrificing their lives bring forth great compassion among humans. They allow humans to come outside of themselves and to understand there is more, and to work in balance and harmony for a simple cause. This is the beginning of them working in harmony for all beings.We say to you now there are many things that will change, and we thank you for your openness,for your acceptance, for your understanding. It is time that this energy was free in the universe. For we can do so much, but we need humans to carry things forward. The one that you know as Christ, the Christos, it is the time of that return. The power of love, the path of love. It is the time of that great return. And the Christos as you knew that being, will fight, will direct, will stand beside this earth. And beside each of you. It is time to open your hearts and your minds, that you may understand that each being is extremely vital to the survival of this planet, for we wish the planet to survive in love. We don’t wish the planet to survive in destruction. When you feel immensity of what you are and who you are, you can feel nothing but compassion. And as you go through your day to day life, you will see moments of compassion. Your whales was a moment of compassion. Deep compassion by many. For even those who could not assist in trying to save them, others were deep in compassion and sent to these incredible creatures the love hey needed to fulfill their duty. Never doubt the power of faith, the power of prayer, the power of love, the power of compassion. For all these are power based, and power simply means -in your hands. And now I bring Moses
.MOSES:Welcome children. I have been very patient and it has been gifted me the privilege of guiding you into bringing forth this information on a planetary scale. We will look at a cosmic scale later. Know that I am with you. Know that I am guiding and directing, and know that there is no wrong way. Know that whatever it is each being upon this journey contributes. It is enough. For you must see yourselves now as the glorious being that you are and you must accept that you are enough. That you are capable and not only did you choose this path but you were chosen for this path. And as the chosen you still have the right of humanness to choose to continue with the path or choose to let it go. We are not forcing you or pushing you in any direction. Know we are your guides. And the simplicity of guides are that as beings, whether it is on this planet or others, we have experienced these situations. So we come to you from experience, to gift you knowledge so that you may a deep experience of life.Is there anything you wish to know at this time?Q V: Are we currently at the stage of power in action on this path of octaves?You are in fact many octaves in advance, but we are bringing through the believable understanding knowledge of what power is. It has been broken down into sizable bites so that you may understand and go forward step by step. And there will be others following your journey or your path, but that will only have what is gifted
.Q V: You mentioned to the channel she should publish these transmissions through our media. Will the recordings that she makes should be put out there with pictures, photos?
Absolutely. For knowledge is nothing unless it is shared. A book is simply a book unless it is opened
Q V:Through social media?
.Q V: Question about whether there is life underground within the earth?There has always been stories foretold of the middle earth. We would like to allow the knowledge to go forward. It however is not yet time for this disclosure. However, there is a middle earth and there are other beings and other life forms. Many of these other beings seeded that which you know as crystals for the benefit of the future of mankind. There are many places of power upon this planet.Where in reality they are entrances to other worlds, physical worlds. Your governments have knowledge of this and they have knowledge of beings that travel from their world to your world.
Whether its an accident that they find their way to the surface of the earth, or they chose that. But your government has absolute proof and identity of these beings. When you think of that which you call big foot or the yeti or whatever these beings that you see are named, they are making quick visits if you will, between worlds. So, yes there is definitely an inner world, and as these continue to bring forth its mysteries, you will see this.
Q V: Have they good intentions towards us?
Better than you have towards them! They seek to heal. They live in a simple community space. They simply exist to heal.
Q V: Give any information about the whales and why they are beaching themselves in huge pods recently?
This is going to be a continued episode from time to time. The seismic activity that is taking place beneath, or within your planet is more than understood at the moment. For, when you look at your seismic plates you see that as the end. It is not a floor, it is a ceiling. And as these plates shift that which is beneath them rises. It is in the shifting of these seismic plates that all things will be revealed. That the middle world will come forward. The middle world has no concept of harming. The whales and the dolphins were gifted the people that were the whales and the dolphin connections, gifted the knowledge and the care of Lemuria and other worlds. The whales have chosen to make this sacrifice,if you wish. They knew there would be a time in history when this would happen. So that the opening and the expansion could begin. The seismic activity below the surface resonates with the activity from the sun and the planets around the earth. As you understand the moon pulls and the moon is water, but when you have water and fire pulling against each other, that is what you have at the moment. Your earth base is in the middle of being pulled between water and fire. The elements of them. And so your scientists will learn a great deal from these whales. Whether they actually choose to share it with the greater community is a different thing. For these whales are carriers of information. There are many things that will rise from the deep in these coming 12 years. And as things rise from the deep there will be a greater understanding, a greater understanding of how this planet was formed and a greater understanding of the beings that inhabit. Send every situation love. Love from the point of purity. When you go into the space, into pure space, send love from that point. It also a teaching of compassion. These creatures of the ocean who are literally sacrificing their lives bring forth great compassion among humans. They allow humans to come outside of themselves and to understand there is more, and to work in balance and harmony for a simple cause. This is the beginning of them working in harmony for all beings.We say to you now there are many things that will change, and we thank you for your openness,for your acceptance, for your understanding. It is time that this energy was free in the universe. For we can do so much, but we need humans to carry things forward. The one that you know as Christ, the Christos, it is the time of that return. The power of love, the path of love. It is the time of that great return. And the Christos as you knew that being, will fight, will direct, will stand beside this earth. And beside each of you. It is time to open your hearts and your minds, that you may understand that each being is extremely vital to the survival of this planet, for we wish the planet to survive in love. We don’t wish the planet to survive in destruction. When you feel immensity of what you are and who you are, you can feel nothing but compassion. And as you go through your day to day life, you will see moments of compassion. Your whales was a moment of compassion. Deep compassion by many. For even those who could not assist in trying to save them, others were deep in compassion and sent to these incredible creatures the love hey needed to fulfill their duty. Never doubt the power of faith, the power of prayer, the power of love, the power of compassion. For all these are power based, and power simply means -in your hands. And now I bring Moses
.MOSES:Welcome children. I have been very patient and it has been gifted me the privilege of guiding you into bringing forth this information on a planetary scale. We will look at a cosmic scale later. Know that I am with you. Know that I am guiding and directing, and know that there is no wrong way. Know that whatever it is each being upon this journey contributes. It is enough. For you must see yourselves now as the glorious being that you are and you must accept that you are enough. That you are capable and not only did you choose this path but you were chosen for this path. And as the chosen you still have the right of humanness to choose to continue with the path or choose to let it go. We are not forcing you or pushing you in any direction. Know we are your guides. And the simplicity of guides are that as beings, whether it is on this planet or others, we have experienced these situations. So we come to you from experience, to gift you knowledge so that you may a deep experience of life.Is there anything you wish to know at this time?Q V: Are we currently at the stage of power in action on this path of octaves?You are in fact many octaves in advance, but we are bringing through the believable understanding knowledge of what power is. It has been broken down into sizable bites so that you may understand and go forward step by step. And there will be others following your journey or your path, but that will only have what is gifted
.Q V: You mentioned to the channel she should publish these transmissions through our media. Will the recordings that she makes should be put out there with pictures, photos?
Absolutely. For knowledge is nothing unless it is shared. A book is simply a book unless it is opened
Q V:Through social media?
By which ever form you consider practical. It is also you are delving into the Akashic records and that will be coming through soon. The teaching that we instruct the channel through is working partly through that balance of the Akashic record. The balancing or bringing into alignment all that this life has incurred, but also the understanding of why this has occurred and where it has come from. It’s a little more than karma. It is taking responsibility and expecting responsibility for your choices and knowing that no matter what choice you’ve made at the time, it was right for you. Also in releasing karma it is like releasing chains. For every being is chained by something they have thought, done, felt guilty about, felt deeply that they incurred bad karma if you wish, or negativity. Every being has tied themselves in chains so what this work does, is release those chains of the past.