Breathe slowly through your nose – little sips of breath, then take it right up through your nostrils right through into the back of your head, through into the pineal gland. This may or may not release mucus. It may release mucus because that’s what is being held within this place and has no purpose. As you take a breath through the nostrils, take it down through the throat and gently release. Through the nostrils, like sips, through to the throat and release. Through the nostrils, to the throat and release. Through the nostrils, to the back of the throat to the heart, then release. Through the nostrils – sip sip – to the back of the throat to the heart and release.
Welcome dear children, it is with great pleasure that we come to you at this time. For we are aware of the progress that you have made, and we are quite excited by this progress, this thought pattern, that is taking place for you. We understand the difficulties that you face, but Magdelena and I are quite excited about how this project – and you began as a project – is coming along.
This project is being repeated throughout your universe. It is a teaching of the ways so that many will learn how to walk the path of love. And so will influence others upon this path. We did speak to you of existence in a higher energy vibrational issue. Yes, there are issues in this existence, however there are many, many compensations. You will find that you exist in a peaceful space. That you exude a calmness and an acceptance and an understanding that were no available to you before. You will understand that you react slower. That you do not buy into, if you wish, the anxieties of man. That you reach within yourself instead and see the Godhead, the joy that exists within and that you have an awareness that you are able to access this ability. For it is simply and ability.
What you are being taught at this time is to access an ability. I understand my speech has slowed. This is how you will learn to use this ability. Your speech will slow. You will take control of what comes forward from your mouth. You will take control that your thoughts and emotions go before your words. You will ignite within your heart a space of joy, and a space of love.
This breathing pattern we have given you will do that. So, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, whether it be a face-to-face situation or via that monstrosity you call a telephone, then simply move into this process. It ignites and closes the other areas so that your heart is allowed to speak before your head. We do not ask that you debase yourself in any way, or that you release or let go on any of your beliefs or principles. For in upholding your truth you do not have to defend it. You simply have to be. There is no need for you to defend your truth. Your truth stands alone. It is very significant that you understand this, that your truth stands alone. As you feel a movement within your heart, you will understand that it is the heart that is guiding you at this time and it is the heart that will continue to guide you throughout the next processes.
Yes, children, there are more processes. Channel just rolled her eyes, however I do commend and accept that she is becoming a little less difficult to comprehend. You must understand that many around you are reacting from the emotion of fear. People try for control because they fear being out of control. They fear being less. They have the need to be valued. Love values all things. It does judge things or being, it simply values all things. And in this process that is what you are learning to do. To step away from the judgement and see the value of all things. You do not have to accept the behaviour of others, and you do not have to accept the views of others, However, if you can add value to that personal being, you give them the opportunity of growth. You give them the opportunity of soul expansion. And soul expansion is what you are here to do right now. Not simply the expansion of your soul, but the expansion of every soul that you come in contact with. This is a system that was placed before you and that you agreed upon. It is time that you moved within your community and shed the fear pattern, release the past pattern and step into the new pattern. The new pattern does not judge. It most definitely does not judge the self. For you must stand look at your rereaction and your actions. Love will show you the way. If your reaction is based upon the emotion of love, then that is the path you must take. If however, the path is based upon fear, anxiety uncertainly, it is time to step back into the heart.
At this time, we will show you the method of touching hearts. We suggest that you apply this process first with those that you love. Simply, either sit opposite them, or visualise them in your mind. For your mind carries a vibration that has no idea of what is real and what is imagined. Imagination is simply the vibration of imagining yourself in a situation.
So, bring yourself face to face with another being. Apply the breath process. Sip in through the nostrils, up into the pineal gland and gently release. One more time. Through the nostrils, release. To the throat, release. To the throat, release. To the throat, release. To the heart, release. To the heart, release. To the heart, release.
Now see, feel or simply know that there is a spiral of energy, spiralling out from your heart. This golden thread of energy that spirals from your heart to the centre of the other person’s heart, that begins to spiral. You have both spirals going clockwise, spiral that begins at the centre of your heart and a spiral that begins at the centre of their heart. There is no need to focus on anything other that this golden light. There is no need for anything but the connection of love – heart to heart.
You are not going to end this connection, for it is like elastic. It spreads to wherever you are or wherever they are. It is a vibration. You have created a vibration within a pattern. It is if you will a tone. You may hear within your mind a tone. You may be prompted to tone a sound. What you are creating is vibration, a vibration between two beings. You are not imposing any will on any one. You are simply creating a vibration. This vibration can help enormously in the art of healing.
Interestingly, when you heal those you call your fur people, the spirals returns from them to you for they are of a higher dimensional energy. Know that as you carry a lyric or a tune within your mind, within your body, so you carry this vibration. So too, does the recipient. This is not to be misused. It is not a force to bring someone under your control. It is an opening of the heart to love. It is a two way direction. It must never be misused. Which is why it is extremely important that you have caution with who you teach this process to. For if a being is not pure of heart, they can actually case some damage to other beings. There is no force to be used in the path of love. Only love.
You may sit with this for however long you need. This is a wonderful process for you to use in that which you know as distant healing. For you are sending a vibrational healing to the heart area to the emotionally body. To the trauma. You have no need to name or be part of these traumas. You just have to love. Now, allow the other person to go their own way. Or if they are seated with you, instruct them to allow that spiral to fill their entire being, as you allow that spiral to fill your entire being.
Allow the experience of your body to speak to you. And now come back to an awakened state but do not close the flow of love, for this flow of love flows between myself and Magdelena and from us to you.
Do not close this flow. Be open to that which it gifts you. Be open to that which it teaches you, and teach you it will. Be gentle and be awake.

I have had the joyful and humbling experience of being ..THE VOICE OF MOSES .. for many years
And I have been guided at this time to share his wisdom and assist myself and others to walk the PATH OF LOVE
Here you will find channeled messages from Moses , the Magdalena, and many more The time has come for each of us to walk The Path of Love… not only for ourselves.. but to assist others and our planet to ascend into the New World
Enjoy and blessed be your journey
We need to stand between the moon and the sun because they equally have energy and
frequencies that are significantly important to the production of the chemicals within
the body. We don’t produce enough nutrient if haven’t got enough sunlight.
We go out, fully dressed, covered from head to foot, and expect to absorb the energy,
and cover our eyes, so effectively cutting ourselves off. 15-30 mins a day in early
morning and evening.
Eating the sun exercise – only easier exercise, using the breath – very connective.
Find a space of relaxation and peace in the sunshine.
Taking a very long slow deep inbreath, bring your head to your right shoulder as far as
you can. The sun is focussed on the left hand side of the neck. Hold your hand towards
the sun and allow the sun to shine on the palm of your hand, absorb into the body. Bring
your head to the centre and exhale.
Release the breath, then on the inbreath gently tilt the head to the left, until the neck is
exposed and the hand the is in the receiving position, release the breath. Allow the sun
to shine on that part of the neck, release and exhale back towards the centre. Do each
side once or twice.
On the inbreath bring the chin down to touch your chest, allowing the sun the focus on
the back of the neck, exhale, inhale very slowly, exhale when centred. Inhale and bring
the head slowly down, inhale bringing it slowly up, exhale at the centre. Hands in front
towards the sun, palms upwards. Repeat.
Open your mouth and inhale through your mouth, exhale and drop you head back as far
as you can with your mouth open. Inhale through the mouth, and bring back to the
centre, and release. Hands in front towards the sun, palms upward. Repeat.
In the morning and evening, an incredibly quick fix.
Hold hands outwards to receive the energy, bring the energy – gathering it up, as you
bring your hands slowly upwards above your head, then quickly drop your arms, down
the centre column. Gives you an energy boost. Feel the energy fill your body.
To clear the aura you bring your hands up slowly, gathering the energy with in, bringing
your hands up over your head, then drop them quickly, pushing them backwards and
pushing the energy away. Clears the negativity from your aura.