and gemstones have an extremely long documented history of use
when it comes to healing work.
Since ancient times, we have recognised the healing properties
associated from these beautiful stones that are born ....
from our beautiful Mother Earth.” ~ Gypsy Maggie Rose
To learn more about crystals and their benefits,
watch out for
Gypsy Maggie Roses popular E-Book
“Practical Crystal Uses”
(available soon online)
Amethyst comes under the protection of the Violet Ray and
Archangel Zadkiel.
Zadkiel works with transmutation, forgiveness, mercy and
compassion. So the wearing of this gemstone assists in emotional
balance... as it transmutes negatives to positive.
Amethyst is a stone of the mind, so good for dream work
especially if you are having trouble sleeping, or remembering
Simply place a small tumbled stone beneath your pillow.
For those among us who are extremely sensitive, better to place
it under the bed.
It is also believed to be the stone of protection… as the High
Priests of old had one on their breastplate. Priests in ancient
Egypt believed to wear amethyst, was a protection against evil
thoughts and actions of others. In ancient Greece it was the
stone of sobriety and goblets were carved from it.
In today’s world, we use amethyst for the treatment of
addictions of all kinds.
Amethyst assists healing and selflessness. It is associated with
nobility, spiritual awareness, meditation, balance, psychic
abilities, and has been called the stone of transformation. It
is also known as Metamorphis.
Amethyst is said to boost the production of hormones, calm the
nervous system, and assist with insomnia. When used in
conjunction with Rose Quartz, it is useful for healing, the
digestive tract, and heart areas.
Tendency to over indulgence, this assists with the processing of
guilt, fear, anger, confusion, impatience.
When used in conjunction with Rose Quartz allows us to see in a
gentle manner the other side of anger and resentment.
I love Agate and feel it is one of the most under estimated
crystals available to us at this time.Agate belongs to the
Chalcedony family and comes in an extremely wide variety of
colours and many are banded or contain patterns Agates are
considered to be grounding stones. They are extremely balanced
and at peace within their own being. This, the lesson they share
with us.
All Agates have healing and grounding properties, and as such
are an essential for any
An Agate is the stone to have on your desk if you deal with
numbers and any precision work, it helps you stay focused and
strong .An amazing must have stone for those dealing with
banking or position of treasurer. Agates foster love, abundance,
wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection,
balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and
appreciation of nature.
In ancient times the wearing of Agate was said to make warriors
strong and give them courage to face their enemies. So look at
what you are facing… where can Agate assist you in standing your
ground and fighting for your rights.
Good idea to have one in your pocket or wear one, when facing
challenging situations, be it applying for a new position, or
standing up in a court situation.
An Agate pendant worn continuously can assist you with the
ability to say NO!
The ‘leadership stone’, Adventurine strengthens and restores
balance to the heart.
This green stone is very loving, and protective of heart
This stone is a must for children who are shy, timid or
suppressing their inner ability. It assists the child to become
more active and to initiate action on their own accord.
Excellent for those with asthma.
The ‘self esteem crystal’ is great for restoring low self
This crystal promotes self-security and self-love. Can also
enhance the love between parent and child, enabling acceptance
of that which cannot be changed.
![rose quartz](images/rose_quartz.gif)
The ‘love crystal’ is a magical stone.
This crystal can soothe a heart shattered by to much reality.
Rose quartz will soothe erratic emotional states, anxiety, fear,
compulsions, and many mental problems.
This crystal assists young hearts to be open, vital and
protected, filtering in good energies and keeping out the
A ‘psychic balance stone’ is an incredible stabilizer for
children who show psychic gifts early in life. It stimulates
expansion of consciousness in a supportive way, promotes
purification and clarity. Lapis lazuli provides self-acceptance
of ones gifts, it also encourages openness to the personal
spiritual awareness
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